January 10, 2009

O My God!!!...the shrieking voice from FRIENDS

I love to sleep; I love it more than anything. If I were to be taken seriously someday and asked to propose a compensation structure that is independent of money, then here's what I would propose.

Your work, or rather the quality of work, depends directly on the no. of hours that you can sleep at a stretch, and feel good about it. "A good honest day's work -sleep".

I digress....other kinds of sleep that I have had a chance to meet with:

1. Heavy lunch - drowsy eyed - 20 mins nap

2. Imax experience - genre specific movie -6 hr sleep with intermission::: Horror, comedy, drama, your past, your future, watch it with any number of wanted n unwanted guests.

3. Bored to death painful - shorter than u think - 6 hr sleep

4. Wake up early - very important - body alarm clock - sleep

5. I am not doing anything else - the weather is perfectly windy n dark cloudy - 2hour mega nap

6. Watch TV till you eyes hurt - eyes shutdown but u r awake - sleep

...n many more...I don't want to bug you..so here is the cream/gist of this blog.

Last Wednesday night (Jan 7, 2009), just as I was nestling down to one of my sweet weeknight slumbers (It's called the " job tomorrow morning-read good book by the lamp-feel good, life good - 6 hr sleep". This is the latest invention from my sleep-factory), I happened to switch on my television out of bad habit. Australia was playing South Africa at home to ensure the test series wouldn't end in a whitewash.

That's another thing about me...not very unique..but being from India, I love cricket.

SAF captain Graeme Smith did something so unique that match, something so amazingly lionhearted, that for the very first time I had a conflict between the 2 loves of my life.

I chose to ditch "sleep" for "cricket" n I wasn't dissapointed.

Next day, I felt so bad for "sleep" that i slept for 10 hrs!! Its super hard to fall in love with 2 at a time...true!

1 comment:

Nikky said...

Yea Yea I can vouch for that..the moment the clock strikes 10 the magic is undone and the good patient listener apps is suddenly turned into a shrieking,irritated demon who will rant and rage until he's given his dose of sleep..no matter if we are discussing the most important topic of my or his life, as soon as I know its past 10, all I need to do is say "Apps go and sleep now" the next 3 seconds look like this: 1. a sigh of relief 2.Gnite 3.Apps offline :-)


From tolstoy 2 dahi vada & havana club 2 Khwaja mere khwaja
- Anything that can possibly leave its fragrance on
a swiftly eroding memory.