November 22, 2009

Mish mash Gymnosophy

Yes, approaching 28 earth years of life.

Convoluted and confused. It's a bit difficult, if you are me. For as long as I can remember, 28 was to be the magical age by which I would have all (or most) answers; a point of time - a pedestal from where upon things would be clear. That was my single rationale for sustained ignorance, my crutch for so many years now. Divine intervention is urgently required within the next 2 months.

Hurried and hassled. Try this for instance - simultaneously watch 'Shool' + watch Devdutt Pattnaik trying to rationalize the 'myth behind Indian culture' with clear bias evident . Simultaneously read Chetan Bhagat's horrible, pathetic and sad writing which NY Times terms as 'popluar writing' that has got Indians back to reading+ enjoy the company of 2 sweet friends celebrating their 1st anniversary of soceital acceptance of life with each other + endure persistent parental and peer pressure to get me married.

If life were cumulative, all that should have added up to zero independently.

Also, per Mr. Pattnaik's assessment, this self urge for wanting to do nothing (philosophically teremed as 'staring at nothingness') apparently is part of the inherited intangible Indian male DNA.


Nikky said...

28 years..hmm yeah even I had a whole list of to be completed by 28 tasks..but then I dont even know when I tossed it out of the chartered its own path and we kept walking...dont sound so dull and isn't menopause time yet :D

Nikky said...

You made me watch that horrendoes speech of Mr Pattnaik and well..I am still sitting here horrified that he is allowed to speak and display blatantly what he so accutely iota of understanding of the Indian mythology or culture..


From tolstoy 2 dahi vada & havana club 2 Khwaja mere khwaja
- Anything that can possibly leave its fragrance on
a swiftly eroding memory.